
I'm Chris, a Junior Software Developer


Recently graduated from the Northcoders bootcamp. I'm a junior Full-Stack software developer with a particular passion for front end development and the aspect of being able to breathe life into design. I'm always looking to learn something new, further developing my skills and can't wait to see where my journey takes me next.



Here's a look at a few of the JavaScript projects I've worked on during my time at the Northcoders bootcamp.


NC-Games API

A JavaScript API used access data programmatically. Built with PSQL and node-postgres and hosted using HerokuS


NC-Games Web App

A dynamic React app displaying data from a database and providing an interface allowing a user to interact with an API


Achieve Mobile App

A social goal making app that allows users to create goals and add friends to track each other’s progress. Built with Svelte-Native, TypeScript, Firebase and cloud FireStore

Get In Touch!

Got a question or just want to say hi? Drop a message below and I'll do my best to get back to you!